Contact Us


Skipper–President: Martin Hefter
1st Mate–
Vice President: Rob Moen
Yeoman–Secretary: Curina Zirnhelt
Purser–Treasurer: Mona Andrews
Ensigns–Members at Large:
Jack Slater
Branden McDowell
Shaun Zirnhelt

Holloway Lake Association Zone Map


Petty Officers

zone1Zone 1
North side from the dam to the beach:  Bill Brandon

purpleZone 2
South side from dam to the tubes:  Dennis Dawes

brownZone 3
North side from the beach to the Mt. Morris bridge: Julie Moen

zone4Zone 4
South side from the tubes to the Goose Point: Dennis McCann

orangeZone 5
Goose Point to Mt. Morris Bridge: Mike Wurts

zone6Zone 6
Mt. Morris Bridge to Columbiaville Rd. Both sides:  Melissa Church

Membership Chairperson:  Jill Sloan

Webmaster:  Jack Slater

To contact any of the individuals shown above, please email Holloway Lake Association.